the day the music died...

the sad news of the passing away of one of the world's greatest musician, singer, dancer, song-writer of all times shocked people (fans & non-fans) all over the world. it saddens me greatly too for he's the ONE that got me started with paying good money to buy an album and much later vcds of all his music videos. of course i'm talking of michael jackson. his private life might be in shambles and chaotic but his music and songs touches all, even the hardest of all people. he had indeed given back a lot to the world community but sadly he was often plagued with scandals and lawsuits one after another. he's a clear case of childhood gone wrong that affected his adult life. his is indeed a tragic story. he'd always be remembered the artiste who introduced music videos, the one who introduced the moonwalk, the one who had all the slick dance moves complete with the signature crouch pulling style!! he's indeed irreplaceable-we'll never get another like him, eccentric but multi-talented! i'll miss him badly though his music will always be with me...


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